!DOCTYPE html> Complex CSS Selectors Challenge


Make the following design changes without modifying the html in any way. Only modify your own styles.css file.The challenges are progressively more complicated, but each can be accomplished with a single selector. Some challenges will require multiple properties/value pairs.

  1. Set the margin-bottom of the header to 3rem.
  2. Set the line-height of all paragraphs to 1.6.
  3. Make the font-size of the "See All..." links 0.8em, and make them uppercase.
  4. Make the font-size of show titles 2.5rem.
  5. Make the section-titles uppercase, and font-size 1rem.
  6. Make all title fonts light weight.
  7. Make the cast images width:100%;.
  8. Make each castmember element width:25%;. (The element that represents the whole castmember in the list, not just the image.)
  9. Add a 1px solid black border above each show — without unintentionally adding borders elsewhere.
  10. Make the navigation tab with the .selected class be bold and black.
  11. Make the castmember labels 0.8rem.
  12. Make the actor/actress names bold.
  13. Make the character names italic.
  14. Add an asterisk (*) to the last year in the Game of Thrones seasons list.
  15. Add the text "* Final Season" on the next line after the Game of Thrones season list. Make it 0.7rem, and color it to be #999.