1. My name is Marisa Daddazio. I'm a Drama major, with Writing and Human-Computer Interaction minors. I'm a junior.
  2. I'm taking this class for the HCI minor, but have also heard really good things about it from other friends in design.
  3. I coded a game using a program called Bitsy which used HTML, but I didn't really understand the finer points of what I was doing. So kind of, but not really.
  4. I'm really excited about the code, and just having another design tool/understanding to add to my toolbelt.
  5. There are a lot of different things to think about in designing for screen, like working with fine tuned data to achieve creative results. You have to think about it in a different way, in a data sense rather than just putting what's in your head on the page.
  6. https://www.buzzfeed.com/ has effective design. It's packed with photos and information that's bright and easy to dive into, which is what makes it so appealing to many.
  7. https://www.nytimes.com/ is a website that provides accurate communication. The organization is well places in that headlines are clear and concise, with coresponding pictures. Articles are seperated by accurately communcated subjects.
  8. https://www.hadestown.com/#home is a website that works well. It is accurate with the theme of the show that it advertises and has really clear directions to find the information it provides. In addition, the design of the site matches the aesthetic of the musical, which encourages the viewer to look closer.